Fast Post: Tiny Little City Mushrooms

Yesterday, I went to my University to discuss some things I had to discuss with my dissertation advisor. And, as is christmas ( although the spirit doesn’t feel like christmas, don’t know why), I went with my cousins to spent the day at Porto, and go to the icerink that is now open (and free!). Let’s make it clear: they went iceskating, I was taking photos and watch them, because me+skates it’s not an healthy relationship. It was a good day, with some Costa hot chocolate to warm it up, and with a lasagna made by me to end it nicelly. But, when we we’re walking to the car, we saw this little mushrooms that are on a piece of  land with some grass near to houses and the street, that is used by the dwellers to walk the dog to do some poop and some pee. But they still grown, and not one, not two, but three diferent species. I think that not even in the florest I find so much in such few space. The third specie I don’t have any photo because I only took one and it was not so fine.




Images by: Swac

See you next time!


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  1. Pingback: Abstract nº 51 | Sleeping with a cat·

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